BIPHOREP research proposal

Project milestones and deliverables

The project will be articulated around the 3 intensive field campaigns taking place in the summers 1996, 1997 and 1998, and carried out in different boreal zones within Scandinavia. The seasonal cycle of VOC concentrations will be monitored during the photochemically active season (from April 1to September 30) at 2 sites. The intercalibration and testing of laboratory analysis methods will be performed at the beginning of the project (early 1996) and field intercalibrations will take place before each intensive campaign. Data analysis, modeling, and interpretation of the results will be performed in between the intensive campaigns and the outcome will be presented, discussed and processed among the partners at regular workshops (twice annually). The project milestones are summarized in Table 2.

The first intensive campaign will be arranged in 1996 at Pallas near the FMI GAW-station, in the northern boreal zone. The second intensive campaign will take place in 1997 at Mekrij„rvi near the Russian border in Eastern Finland, in the middle boreal zone. The location of the third campaign will be decided according to the results of the first two campaigns - it will be either a spruce dominated site in Finland (Pallas) or, most probably, a site in the southern boreal zone (the NOPEX-site in Sweden).

The main deliverables of the project will be:

Project deliverables and results will be disseminated through reports to the EC and scientific articles, and by contributions to international conferences. A special effort will be made to make the project results available in the Internet.

** Beginning of the page **Contents of research proposal **BIPHOREP